How smart chat systems revolutionize coaching and transformation

The Next Chapter of Agility

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Why should I attend?

Discover the future of agile coaching in a world shaped by innovative technologies like ChatGPT. This unique un-conference introduces you to the opportunities and challenges that arise from integrating smart chat systems into coaching and organizational development processes. Dive into interactive Open Space sessions where you can learn new skills, develop concrete products, and collaboratively create strategies for dealing with this groundbreaking technology. Join experts and like-minded individuals from the fields of agility, coaching, and organizational development to shape the next stage of agility together.

Register now and secure your spot at this trailblazing 2-day event.

When and where is the conference taking place?

The conference will be held in Munich’s Werksviertel. We have secured codecentric as our location sponsor, who will provide their wonderful premises.

on 14.11.2023

from 10:00 o'clock

at codecentric AG

August-Everding-Str. 20, 81671 München


Then book your ticket directly in our Ticketshop or right below on the page.

Who is codecentric?

codecentric combines excellent people and excellent software

We enable our customers in all german-speaking regions to quickly develop high-quality solutions. Through our technologically excellent IT consulting, we solve the challenges of their digital future together with them.

With over 550 employees at 13 German locations, we see ourselves first and foremost as a network where people can come together. It allows freedom and time for learning and thus promotes constant growth - with the goal of continually inspiring our customers, motivating each other and creating real value.

If you have problems registering for an event, contact us at

What can I expect at the conference?

When you come to the conference, you can expect a dynamic and interactive experience centered around ChatGPT and agile coaching.

The first day starts at 9:30 AM with arrival and registration, where you’ll have the opportunity to mingle with other participants and prepare for the upcoming sessions.

At 10:00 AM, we kick off with the Marketplace. Here, the Open Space concept will be introduced, and you’ll have the chance to propose your own topics or choose from already planned sessions. Throughout the day, there will be multiple session rounds where you can delve deep into various topics, ask questions, and collaboratively find solutions. Between sessions, we’ll ensure you’re refreshed and refueled with food and drinks.

The first day wraps up with the Evening News at 5:30 PM, summarizing the day’s highlights and providing a glimpse into the next day. At 6 PM, we’ll transition into the evening program.

The second day follows a similar pattern: After arriving and a brief morning start at 9:30 AM, we’ll have the Marketplace for the second day. Again, there will be multiple session rounds for active participation and learning from others’ experiences and knowledge. The second day concludes at 5 PM with a closing discussion and feedback round, where we’ll reflect on our learnings and discuss how to implement them in practice.

Overall, you can look forward to a conference characterized by active participation, collective learning, and the exchange of experiences. It promises to be exciting, inspiring, and above all, highly interactive!

About us

We are bumbleflies

We are Chris, Chris again, and Sebastian, the bumbleflies. Our name is a nod to the two phenomena of Open Space: the bumblebees, representing the spread of ideas, and the butterflies, symbolizing the beautiful and unexpected. As part of the organizing team for the Open Space Scrum Munich event, we have gathered extensive experience and are ready to pass on this knowledge.

With bumbleflies UG, we offer organizations support in the implementation of the Open Space format. We believe that Open Space is a powerful tool for collaboration and knowledge exchange and want to advance the idea together with you. That’s why we not only offer the organization of Open Spaces, but also training and workshops to assist companies and organizations in implementing Open Space.

We are convinced that everyone can benefit from the open and participatory working method that Open Space enables, and we look forward to sharing our passion for Open Space and an open, collaborative work culture with you.