Agile Camper Coach Camp 2024

Outside. Camping. Coaching


What is an Agile Camper Coach Camp?

The Idea

The idea was born at a party in 2019. Yes, it was after midnight and yes, it was in the kitchen ;). From then on, the idea spread, gained more followers, and finally, in September 2020, the first #accceu took place at a cozy little campsite in northern Bavaria. The idea was very happy with this event, felt comfortable and cozy, and took a little nap, hibernated, and grew. In 2023, it decided to wake up again, fresh and beautiful as ever, and so the second #accceu took place in 2023. The organizers and participants had changed a bit, but the idea was still the same. It liked Turkey so much that after the event it decided to sleep again for a while, but not too long. And so it was decided to repeat the #accceu in 2024. And since the idea is European, we looked for another country.

What does the idea look like?

The idea is as simple as it is beautiful. Since this profession has existed, Agile Coaches have been meeting at unconferences. These unconferences are often called camps. So if we meet in camps to openly discuss all aspects of Agile Coaching, why not do it while camping? The idea was to come together at a campsite, have open spaces there, talk about our passion (Agile Coaching or whatever moves us), but also cook, eat, talk, laugh, think, and whatever else should happen together. Open Space says whoever comes are the right people, and whatever happens is exactly what is supposed to happen.

When and where will ACCCEU24 take place?

The organizing team around the Camper Coach Camp envisions the next camp taking place at Lake Garda / Northern Italy. We are currently looking for a suitable location.

on 06.09.2024

from 13:00 o'clock


Then feel free to fill out the following survey for us.

Are you in?

Is an #accceu expensive?

No. Further details will follow.

I am interested but not sure yet…

Easy, just enter your email address. We will send you all relevant updates as long as you want. Nothing more!

I want to participate!

Easy, welcome! Just enter your email address. We will keep you updated and notify you as soon as registration opens.

I want to support the idea!

Welcome! If you want to join the supporters of the idea and help organize the event, just enter your email address and we will get in touch with you.

What to expect at the camp?

The Agile Camper Coach Camp Europe (ACCCEU) is not just another Agile Coach Camp – it is a unique experience of self-organization and collaboration. Imagine a camp where you not only share your knowledge and experiences but also shape the place where it happens. Through campers, tents, and the community of participants, a dynamic environment is created that embodies the principles of agility and self-organization.

Arrival and Setup

Start the day by setting up your camper or tent and get to know other enthusiastic Agile Coaches.

Open Space Opening

Once everyone is settled, we kick off with an Open Space opening where every participant can propose topics and plan sessions.

Self-organized Sessions

Throughout the day, there are several slots for sessions organized and led by the participants themselves. These can range from workshops to discussions to practical exercises.

Networking and Relaxation

Use the breaks between sessions to exchange with other participants, enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the “Wanderheaven” campsite, or just relax.

Closing and Reflection

At the end of the day, all participants come together to share their experiences, give feedback, and reflect on what they have learned.

The Agile Camper Coach Camp offers a perfect combination of learning, networking, and nature. It is an opportunity to dive deep into the world of agile coaching while also experiencing the freedom and adventure of camping life. Be ready to be impressed and inspired by this unique experience!

About us

We are bumbleflies

We are Chris, Chris again, and Sebastian, the bumbleflies. Our name is a nod to the two phenomena of Open Space: the bumblebees, representing the spread of ideas, and the butterflies, symbolizing the beautiful and unexpected. As part of the organizing team for the Open Space Scrum Munich event, we have gathered extensive experience and are ready to pass on this knowledge.

With bumbleflies UG, we offer organizations support in the implementation of the Open Space format. We believe that Open Space is a powerful tool for collaboration and knowledge exchange and want to advance the idea together with you. That’s why we not only offer the organization of Open Spaces, but also training and workshops to assist companies and organizations in implementing Open Space.

We are convinced that everyone can benefit from the open and participatory working method that Open Space enables, and we look forward to sharing our passion for Open Space and an open, collaborative work culture with you.