Register for open:bumble:space

We look forward to meeting you!

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What is an open bumble space?

The open:bumble:space is the place where the Munich User Group on the topic of 'Agile' gathers. We meet every two months for an Open Space. We know that agility is based on continuous learning. We believe that we learn better and faster when we share our experiences with each other, in an informal setting, not a lecture but ad hoc.

Everything about the event

It’s that time again: we’re hosting another open:bumble:space! This time together with Robert from LV1871.

on 01.08.2024

from 18:00 o'clock

at LV1871

August-Everding-Str. 20, 81671 München

You can't attend?

Sign up for our list and we’ll let you know as soon as we plan the next Open Space.

Robert, what does LV1871 do?

The Lebensversichrung von 1871 a.G. München (LV 1871) is a specialist and top 10 provider of innovative Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherungen as well as life and pension insurance. Around 500 employees work in the heart of Munich for the modern and traditional insurance association, which has been continuously expanding its market position for 150 years. LV 1871 is based on the principle of reciprocity and is committed to the interests of its customers.

If you have problems registering for an event, contact us at

About us

We are bumbleflies

We are Chris, Chris again, and Sebastian, the bumbleflies. Our name is a nod to the two phenomena of Open Space: the bumblebees, representing the spread of ideas, and the butterflies, symbolizing the beautiful and unexpected. As part of the organizing team for the Open Space Scrum Munich event, we have gathered extensive experience and are ready to pass on this knowledge.

With bumbleflies UG, we offer organizations support in the implementation of the Open Space format. We believe that Open Space is a powerful tool for collaboration and knowledge exchange and want to advance the idea together with you. That’s why we not only offer the organization of Open Spaces, but also training and workshops to assist companies and organizations in implementing Open Space.

We are convinced that everyone can benefit from the open and participatory working method that Open Space enables, and we look forward to sharing our passion for Open Space and an open, collaborative work culture with you.